Message from the Director
On behalf of the organising committee, I would like to welcome you to the information portal of the MSc Program in Molecular Biomedicine of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens Medical School and BSRC "Alexander Fleming".
Recent international advances in biomedical sciences and emerging technologies are confronting us with the molecular and cellular complexity of disease and pose new challenges as well as opportunities for the identification of new therapeutic targets and the development of new treatments. Our newly established MSc Program has been designed to provide a vibrant and dynamic international environment where students can engage in thorough mechanistic understanding of disease pathogenesis, combined with a systemic, integrated view of pathophysiology and tools for the development of novel approaches for disease management. We hope to attract graduate students from different fields of study from all over the world, with demonstrated intellectual and academic excellence for exposure to a cross-cultural way of thinking.
Our goal is to train the next generation of biomedical researchers and innovators in academia, industrial R&D and entrepreneurship, by exposing students to both high end research and innovation environments. This multidisciplinary training program combines state-of-the-art biomedical technologies, disease modelling, clinical validation, large scale omics analysis, advanced imaging platforms, clinical trial design, as well as complementary training in innovation, entrepreneurship and technology transfer.
Our MSc Program lecturers and research hosts, scientists of international standing, help train and guide students through their education. Invited guest speakers selected to be among the best will also participate. Together, we work to make each student’s experience a rich and fulfilling one, tailored to their future goals and career perspectives.
The following pages provide more detailed information about the MSc Program’s structure and faculty, as well as information on how to apply to our program online. Our team is eager to receive your application and would be happy to answer any questions or further discuss your future goals and interests.
George Kollias, PhD
Postgraduate Program Director